After successfully booking your tickets at GreenlinesDP, you will have a ticket as you want, and your ticket preservation deadline will be announced as in the Email sent to you. Please quickly choose a form of payment to own the desired ticket.
The following payment forms are available at GreenlinesDP:
1. PAYMENT AT THE TICKET BOOTH: After successfully booking your tickets, please go to ticket offices of GreenlinesDP to pay and receive tickets. You can pay in cash or by credit cards, we now have card readers at the ticket offices to serve you better.
* Note: To avoid the risk that your ticket may be automatically cancelled, please visit the ticket offices 2 hours ahead of time to receive tickets or call 098.800.9579 to keep your ticket.
2. PAYMENT VIA BANK TRANSFER: You can make payments by bank transfer through Eximbank, after making successful payment, please call us immediately at 098.800.9579. We will check and an e-ticket will be sent to the email address you provided us.
* Note: Please compose the message according to the form: "TICKET PAYMENT <Booking code>, <Customer name>"
GreenlinesDP’s bank account list:

(Áp dụng chuyển khoản qua ngân hàng cho các tuyến: Hồ Chí Minh - Vũng Tàu - Hồ Chí Minh, Vũng Tàu – Cần Giờ - Vũng Tàu, Hồ Chí Minh – Cần Giờ - Hồ Chí Minh)
Ngân hàng TMCP Ngoại Thương Việt Nam
Tên tài khoản : Công ty TNHH Công Nghệ Xanh DP (GREENLINES DP TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD)
Số tài khoản : 0721000619922 (VNĐ)
Chi nhánh: 354 Nơ Trang Long, Phường 13, Quận Bình Thạnh, TP. HCM

(Áp dụng chuyển khoản qua ngân hàng cho tuyến duy nhất: Hồ Chí Minh - Côn Đảo)
Ngân hàng Nông Nghiệp và Phát Triển Nông Thôn Việt Nam
Tên tài khoản : Công ty TNHH Công Nghệ Xanh DP (GREENLINES DP TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD)
Số tài khoản : 1607 201 011 885 (VNĐ)
Chi nhánh: Phan Đình Phùng - Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh